Bellamente Creada / Beautifully Created
November 3
09:00 AM
Breakfast / Talk "Beautifully Created"
Come to fellowship with other women and enjoy a delicious breakfast where we will have the opportunity to listen to an interesting talk in Spanish entitled "Beautifully Created" by Esther Mateos, who has extensive experience as a ministerial leader.
Esther is Cuban-American, loves Christ and recently retired after 43 years of profession in domestic and international banking. She has a degree in Psychology from Florida International University and for the last 10 years she has been ministerial leader of Marriages, Women and Adolescents of the "Movimiento Cristo Centro" (Centric Christ Movement) in Cuba. Since 2017, she has embarked on the new challenge of discovering how to be a beautifully created grandmother of her beautiful grandson Julián.
Desayuno/ Plática "Bellamente Creada"
Ven a convivir con otras mujeres y disfruta de un delicioso desayuno donde tendremos la oportunidad de escuchar una interesante plática en español titulada "Bellamente Creada" a cargo de Esther Mateos, quien cuenta con amplia experiencia como líder ministerial.
Esther es Cubana-americana, amante de Cristo, recientemente retirada después de 43 años de profesión en banca doméstica e internacional. Es Licenciada en Sicología de Florida International University y por los últimos 10 años, ha sido líder ministerial de Matrimonios, Mujeres y Adolescentes del “Movimiento Cristo Centro” en Cuba. Desde 2017 ha emprendido el nuevo reto de descubrir como ser una abuela Bellamente Creada de su hermoso nieto Julián.
When: Saturday, November 3rd from 9 AM - 12 PM
Location: South Boulevard Campus
Cost: $10 recommended donation / donación recomendada
Click HERE to sign up.